Urban Design Lab_UDL

Professors of Urban Design Lab since 1972

2014~Prof. Youngsang Kwon

1999~2014 Prof. Gunhyuk Ahn

1972~1998 Prof. Jongwon Joo

도시설계연구실은 서울대학교 공과대학 건설환경공학부와 협동과정도시설계학에 속해있는 연구실로서 도시설계 및 도시계획에 대한 내용을 연구하고 있습니다. 특히 미래 지속가능한 도시를 직접 설계할 수 있는 창의적이고 재능넘치는 도시설계가를 육성하는 것을 목표로 합니다. 

도시설계연구실은 1980년 공과대학 토목공학과 내 6개 도시공학전공 대학원 중 하나로 출발하였으며 1997년 토목·도시·자원 공학과군 통합 개편으로 지구환경시스템공학부 소속되었다가 2007년부터 건설환경공학부 소속의 연구실로 이어져오고 있고, 협동과정도시설계학은 2001년에 출범하였습니다.

주종원 교수님, 안건혁 교수님, 권영상 교수님 지도하에 많은 동문이 배출되었고, 교수, 연구소, 공공기관, 공무원, 국제기구, 기업체, 창업 등 다양한 도시설계 영역에서 활동하고 있습니다. 현재는 권영상 교수님 지도하에 국내외 도시설계 학술연구 및 설계프로젝트 등 활발한 연구활동을 하고 있습니다. 


The Urban Design Laboratory is a research laboratory affiliated with the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, College of Engineering, Seoul National University, and the Interdisciplinary Program for Urban Design, Seoul National University. It aims to foster creative and talented urban designers who can design sustainable cities of the future. 

The Urban Design Lab was established in 1980 as one of the six graduate schools of urban engineering in the College of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, and was reorganized in 1997 as the Department of Civil, Urban, and Resource Engineering, and has been a part of the Department of Earth and Environmental Systems Engineering since 2007, while the Interdisciplinary Program for Urban Design was established in 2001.

Under the guidance of Professors Jongwon Joo, Gunhyuk Ahn, and Youngsung Kwon, many alumni have been fostered and were active in various fields of urban design, including professors, research institutes, public institutions, public officials, international organizations, companies, and startups. Currently, under the guidance of Prof. Youngsang Kwon, this Lab is actively engaged in domestic and international urban design academic research and design projects. 

Selected Urban Design Work (Prof. Kwon Youngsang)

2007. Second Capital, Sejong City

행정중심복합도시 마스터플랜

2010. Busan Eco Delta Smart City

부산에코델타시티 마스터플랜

2023. Gwangmyung-Siheung New Town

광명시흥 3기 신도시

Introduction and Research Theme 

2023-2028 생성 AI기반 탄소중립형 주거단지 최적화 설계기법 개발, National Research Foundation NRF 

2020 WSUD 기반 도시 물순환 회복방안 연구, Kwater

2024 A.I. aided Urban Design

주요연구방향은 아래와 같습니다.

1. 도시형태, 도시공간구조, 지속가능성

2. 도시개발, 마스터플랜, 도시설계

3. 미래도시, 인공지능, 가상현실

Urban Design Lab's main research themes are as follows

1. Urban Form, Urban Structure, Sustainability

Since the development of cities is influenced by urban form and urban spatial structure, we consider the most important goal of the lab to foster experts who understand and design them. Urban form and urban spatial structure are embodied in the road system, land use, building layout, location and form of public space, and influence real estate prices and population movement. Designing these systems is an important responsibility of urban designers.

To train professionals in the field of urban form and spatial structure, understanding of landscape, design, building morphology, and the history of city formation is a prerequisite. Therefore, research papers emphasize the fields of landscape, design, urban form, urban spatial structure, and urban history.

2. Urban Development, Master Plan, Urban Design

The Urban Design Lab considers it an important goal to foster experts in the field of new city and complex design at home and abroad. New towns, reconstruction, redevelopment, and land development are the areas that urban designers will be responsible for in the future in small and medium-sized cities, while large-scale cities are new cities with a scale of more than 1 million pyeong, such as Sejong City and Busan EDC. 

In Korea, the field of urban regeneration will be an important role of urban professionals for the next 30 years or more. The Urban Design Lab focuses on the field of compact city among urban regeneration. We study creative and sustainable urban development methods. 

3. Future Cities, A.I. Virtual Reality

The final goal of the lab is to train experts who can predict and design future cities based on A.I. and big data to respond to the problems of future cities and changes in quality of life. It is an effort to materialize the role of future urban designers and the appearance of future cities in the era of the 4th Industrial Revolution.

To this end, we are building an urban space platform that combines Generative A.I. AR/VR, Digital Twin, Big Data Analysis, and Property Technology based on existing traditional urban theories.